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Random Musings of a Locked Down Mind

Yes, we are ignorant. 
Yes, we are mindless. 
We know no difference between sense and non-sense. 
We know not what alleviates panic during a pandemic. 
We are a chaotic mass of people with no knowledge of steering, 
but to set the sail in the direction of the wind. 
Yes, we no nothing. 
Yes, we are in need of everything. 
We are living in a crisis.
We are living in a shortage; of money, medicine and mind. 
There are many things that went wrong. 
There are many more that might surely go wrong. 
It might always seem nice to run away from a land like this. 
But, not one soul shall leave this place without longing to be back. 
You know why? 
Because we know to smile. 
Because we know to fight. 
We smile to cheer a neighbour even when our hearts are clotting within. 
We fight to breathe life into a stranger even when our own lungs are gasping for air. 
We are a people of the society. 
We live and die for others. 
We know that we can save ourselves if we stay indoors. 
But, we cannot stop peeping into a neighbour’s window to see if they are all fine. 
We are a people of the community. 
We cannot exist without seeing a human for days together.
We are a thoughtless bunch of people. 
We give no second-thoughts when somebody is in need of help. 
Yes, we are not doing great but being outdoors. 
But, no, we cannot stay cozy and warm while sirens of help are screaming next door. 


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